Goodbyes and What They’re Good For— Part 2: A Love
Skipping Stones
The shore a ticking clock
As I slice each rock
Through thick soapy waves.
Crazy chasms and caves
Scatter a cliff-edge shore
I had never seen before,
With rocky ridges
That burrowed under arcs and bridges.
Stones littered the way,
One took my fancy, still have it to this day;
A soft pastel pink, looks like red granite, I think?
“My papa taught me how to skip stones,
You’ve gotta look for the flatter ones”
I told her, as she gazed out at the sea,
Then, she studied me,
Brunette hair fluttering in the wind,
As if skipping stones was some mysterious talent,
As if I was within some elite ring
Whose only goal was to teach the way of the sling.
And so, as I concentrated,
She spectated.
One… two… three skips.
Her face lit up with a gorgeous grin
As I celebrated my new high score win.
I turned and gazed out onto an infinite blue,
As the ocean wind whipped straight through,
Subtly salty as it smacked us in the face.
There’s something obscure about that place,
It holds my heart prisoner
And I fear returning there without her.
Little grey lanes
Engulfed in green.
The swaying of reins,
A quick primp and preen.
Machinery all around,
But nothing like the sound
Of click-clack clockwork,
Metal on stone.
Sticky mud spreads the yard,
An abstract art most disregard
As muddy boots stroll across the stone
Towards a stable; a home from home.
The slam of a stout wooden gate,
Amidst a valiant neigh.
Each day without fail,
She brushes that tail,
Caresses that mane
And regardless of rain,
They glide across the meadows
Without struggle or strain.
Hooves hit the hillside,
Trees split the sunlight.
Bright blue skies,
A slight wind in her eyes.
This girl doesn’t realise,
She is her horse.
In every way,
Every day.
Just as beautiful,
Just as strong.
Her voice so graceful,
Her life like a song.
The way her chestnut hair flows,
The way her pine green eyes inclose
Such courage and care.
She’s so real and so rare
That watching her dance
Through those fruitful fields
Was a pure romance
I fear I may never feel.
Love and love again,
There’s no time to pretend.
Love and love again,
And you’ll wish this never ends.
Love and love again
Because there are many who cannot even comprehend
Receiving a love like yours
From a heart so pure.
Love and love again.
I Understand
A look lacking emotion,
Yet eyes holding an expressive explosion.
A split-second stare,
Imprinted in my mind and rehearsed like a prayer.
An act of fearful facade,
When everything seems uncontrollable.
As if staring into a mirror,
Striking parallels partner us.
And now through reflection,
I understand,
The look hiding emotion.
Because flowing through your beautiful eyes,
There’s an ocean.